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It’s Time! 8. Time to Remember that God Wins
Haggai 2: 20 - 23 Instead of putting you all in a time capsule to send you back 2500 years to the time of Haggai, I decided to travel...
It’s Time! 7. Time to Wait for God’s Blessings
Haggai 2: 15 - 19 Have you ever asked questions like this: Is it really worth it to follow God? Why am I still struggling so much when...
It’s Time! 6. Time to Keep Clean in a Dirty World
Haggai 2: 10 - 14 “Dear Lord, so far today I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy,...
It’s Time! 5. Time to Give God Glory
Haggai 2: 6 - 9 A kindergarten teacher was observing her class while they were drawing. As she walked around the room, she came to a girl...
It’s Time! 4. Time to Stop Looking Back
Haggai 2: 1 - 5 How many of you can remember the “good old days”? Do you find yourself longing for what used to be and lamenting how bad...
It’s Time! 3. Time to Put First Things First
Haggai 1: 12 - 15 Last week we discovered that dissatisfaction is designed to lead us to find satisfaction in God alone. Today we’re...
It’s Time! 2. Time to Give God Attention
Haggai 1: 5 - 11 Have you ever been through an experience that God used to arrest your attention? It might have been stress - the loss of...
It’s Time! 1. Time to Reboot
Haggai 1: 1 - 4 Online recently - one site promised the “best procrastination joke ever.” When I clicked on the link - 2 words appeared:...
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